UWC SRC President Asanda Bleki. Photo from Facebook (photographer unknown)
31 July 2017
Asanda Bleki, President of University of Western Cape (UWC) SRC, appeared in Bellville Magistrates’ Court on 27 July for allegedly contravening his bail conditions from #FeesMustFall 2015. The court acquitted him, but on his way home he was arrested by Bellville South police based on a new charge of public violence. Bleki will be held in Goodwood Correctional Services until 7 September when his bail hearing will take place.
Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana from the South African Police Service, confirmed that Bleki appeared in court for “contravening of protection order and public violence”.
Zizipho Royi, Community Outreach Officer of the SRC, explained that these charges were related to the disruption of exams in June 2017. Royi denied that Bleki was involved in the disruption and said he was acquitted based on a statement released by the SRC on 19 June. The statement affirmed that the SRC was against any form of disruptions during exams. It was admitted as evidence to disprove Bleki’s involvement in the disruption, which was accepted by the court, said Royi.
According to UWC Spokesperson Luthando Tyhalibongo, Bleki’s arrest which came after the court case, was related to a case opened by security guards who were allegedly assaulted by Bleki in June 2017. The police investigated the matter which led to his arrest on 27 July. Tyhalibongo added: “We have also been informed that Bleki violated his bail conditions on a charge of attempted murder. We are informed that the police arrested him at his court appearance on the attempted murder charges”.
Peter Van Heusden, a staff member of UWC who was present at the court case, expressed his suspicion of the arrest. He said Bleki had been politically active on campus throughout the year and the arrest came at the time when Pan Africanist Student’s Movement of Azania hosts its 19th National Congress at UWC. Heusden explained that UWC is one of the few universities that concluded 2016 without reaching an agreement on the #FeesMustFall demands.
UWC SRC released a statement saying, “This is a clear indication that leaving home to attend a court case carries with it the possibility that you may not return”. The SRC is currently raising R6,000 to hire new legal representatives who will try to get an earlier bail hearing for Bleki.