
Award-winning South African poet Vus’umuzi Phakathi will be at the Baxter from 01 October till 13 October, the middle of his one-man tour — the #DoubleBillTour. Phakathi, also known as Romeo the poet/Lil’ Hussil, is touring nine South African provinces,12 African countries and four continents. Phakathi is also the writer and producer.
Phakathi says, “My focus is to bring people closer to the Maker and closer to themselves, hoping that they will have a better view of their design, purpose, and the infinite power they possess.”
Audiences find him sincere, filled with wisdom and insight beyond his age, and are left hungry for more. Zukisa Ntamo, a member of the audience, said, “The show was mind blowing. He is gifted. I don’t think the show was well marketed though, because the audience turnout was very small. But having said that, I am confident who ever came to watch will definitely come again and recruit his peers.”
Phakathi, says his “reception has been good with the few people that came … the energy at the venue has been amazing”.
The show is divided in two: The battle of the ages, where he plays two different roles competing against each other as Vus’umuzi and Romeo the poet, and A second with God, a one-hander about a psychiatric patient exiled by love in his head. It takes place in his ward as he discovers himself with God as his Psychologist. A second with God is directed by Khutjo Green.
Amber Mgushelwa, the stage manager for the show, says Vusi’s craft is to paint a picture with words which touches people. She says, “We haven’t been filling up the theatre but all those who have seen the show have been amazed by the amount of talent this brother has. He is a gifted wordsmith who performs with his heart and soul.”
You can book tickets at Computicket.
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