Western Cape human rights organisations respond to Philippi xenophobic violence
At a Western Cape Refugee and Migrant Forum at Scalabrini Centre on Thursday, several civil society organisations agreed to establish a ‘xenophobic response task team and forum’ in response to the recent Philippi xenophobic violence.
The organisations noted that after the violence in Soweto and Philippi, little had been done to help the affected. As civil organisations, they felt the need to be proactive.
Chairing the meeting, Western Cape Chairman of Somali Association South Africa (SASA) Abdikadir Mohamed said, “During the recent Philippi xenophobic violence, one person died, one was injured, and over 50 immigrant shops were looted. Affected Somalis were left with very little and slept at police stations.”
A planning and implementation date for the initiative was set for next month. Organisations who participated in the meeting include Scalabrini Centre, People Against Suffering, Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP), UCT Law Clinic, Cape Town Refugee Reception Office (CTRRO), SASA, Adonis Musati and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
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