Articles for John Yeld

Itā€™s ā€œToad versus Roadā€ in the Cape High Court

Environmentalists challenge road extension that threatens endangered Western Leopard Toads


News | 7 November 2023

Mining department refuses West Coast prospecting bid

Government turned down Limpopo-based Nekwana Trading Enterpriseā€™s application because of shortcomings in basic impact assessment


News | 19 September 2023

Farmer seeks ā€˜pardonā€™ for illegally enlarging dam

The application raises concerns over water use in the Western Cape


News | 12 September 2023

11th-hour out-of-court settlement reached on West Coast diamond mining

A major legal battle over the extension of 30-year mining rights has been averted


News | 1 September 2023

Court challenge to 30-year extension of West Coast diamond mining rights

Fishers say they were ignored when the original rights were awarded between 1994 and 1998


News | 28 August 2023

Big cats among victims as snare trapping spreads in Western Cape

Plan launched to deal with problem, which is partly driven by food insecurity


News | 3 August 2023

Cheetah spotted in Djibouti for the first time in over 30 years

Team headed by Cape Town researcher makes exciting discovery during a biodiversity survey


News | 3 August 2023

Piketberg landowners block mining companyā€™s access

New salvo fired in decades-old opencast tungsten mine proposal


News | 28 July 2023

In photos: new hope for West Coast vlei after seven year drought

But the future of this West Coast jewel is not yet assured, despite record rains this year


News | 25 July 2023

Mining companies eye the last unspoilt strip of the Western Capeā€™s west coast

Concerns over cumulative impact of new prospecting


News | 4 July 2023

Environmental activists revise pleas in ā€œSLAPP caseā€ brought by Australian miners

Marathon legal battle against R14.25-million defamation case continues


Law | 1 February 2023

Concourt hands critics of Australian mine partial victory ā€“ but defamation battle is not over

It is up to Parliament to develop more comprehensive SLAPP suit defence, says court


Law | 14 November 2022

West Coast breakthrough: environment activists and mining company reach agreement

Mineral Sands Resources has prevented legal action, at least for now, over its West Coast operations


News | 21 June 2022

Diver accuses Alexkor of more illegal rock dumping

And Green Scorpions find evidence that the company is defying a Compliance Notice on coffer dam construction


News | 22 March 2022

Western Cape government joins battle over mining

Appeal filed against new coastal prospecting licence


News | 23 February 2022

Concourt hears vital defamation case

Defendants want common law to be developed to prevent ā€˜SLAPPā€™ suits


Law | 20 February 2022