Articles for Raymond Joseph

Gauteng government buys newspaper space to praise MEC

MEC Mbali Hlophe won’t say how much the province spent on the advertorials

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News | 24 June 2024

Controversial auditing firm appointed by Gauteng Department of Social Development

Department acknowledges that the appointment of Open Water, which also probed the Ace Magashule Free State housing scandal, was irregular

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News | 21 June 2024

Gauteng government funds new drug rehab while defunding existing ones

Clinix Foundation was approved for R11-million in funding in just three weeks

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News | 6 June 2024

Almost half of state-funded drug rehab beds in Gauteng under threat

Organisations are “under investigation” but have not been told why

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News | 5 June 2024

Gauteng Department of Social Development misled court on reasons for funding delays

Auditor-General says it did not recommend changes to the funding process

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News | 30 May 2024

Gauteng government bungles allocation of billions for non-profit organisations

Funding decisions were centralised supposedly to prevent corruption but it has caused catastrophic delays and mistakes

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News | 28 May 2024

Gauteng government rejects request for public-funding information

GroundUp asked for details of billions of rands in grants the Department of Social Development paid to non-profit organisations


News | 10 May 2024

Unpaid school uniform makers occupy Gauteng social development offices

Sewing co-operatives delivered thousands of school uniforms to learners in need, but the department is disowning them

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News | 9 May 2024

Government payment delay forces Joburg’s biggest food bank to close

But the Department of Social Development claims the delay is caused by investigations into the food banks

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News | 8 May 2024

Athletics SA boss may face prosecution for Lottery corruption

But lawyer for acting CEO Terrence Magogodela says his client “expects to be a witness for the state”


News | 7 May 2024

Gauteng Social Development head departs amid corruption allegations

Matilda Gasela headed several forensic audits despite facing allegations herself

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News | 2 May 2024

How the Lottery used an ethics company to launder money

Entertainer Lebo Molax earned R200,000 for participating in three National Lotteries Commission events


News | 15 April 2024

Tribunal blocks former Lottery boss from selling farm bought with grant money

Order names about 20 people and companies linked to National Lotteries Commission dodgy deals


News | 6 April 2024

How the Lottery paid R1.7-million for a flash mob that never happened

MSG, owner of Power FM, channelled the money for the National Lotteries Commission

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News | 5 April 2024

Previous Lottery board and management ignored corruption investigations

“These reports were stuck in offices and safes littered across the building”


News | 15 March 2024

Mystery surrounds Gauteng government’s multi-million rand adjudication panels

Money to pay for them diverted from funding for dignity packs


News | 12 March 2024