Articles for Masego Mafata

Gauteng government abandons hundreds of homeless people in Tshwane shelters

Organisation that provided food and social services owed R2.9-million

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News | 4 July 2024

Gauteng non-profit organisations reject findings of province’s forensic probe

Six out of 13 drug rehabs previously funded by the Gauteng Social Development Department are now “under investigation”

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News | 27 June 2024

Premier apologises for Gauteng government’s non-profit funding crisis

About 300 representatives from organisations across the province travelled to Johannesburg to meet social development officials and the Premier


News | 24 June 2024

New law proposed to stop SLAPP suits

The Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Right2Protest hope legislators will adopt it to protect journalists and activists


News | 12 June 2024

Money starts flowing at last to Gauteng care organisations

The Department of Social Development has been scrambling to comply with a court order

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News | 11 June 2024

Gauteng government funds new drug rehab while defunding existing ones

Clinix Foundation was approved for R11-million in funding in just three weeks

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News | 6 June 2024

Almost half of state-funded drug rehab beds in Gauteng under threat

Organisations are “under investigation” but have not been told why

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News | 5 June 2024

Court orders Gauteng government to pay children’s homes subsidies by Friday afternoon

The order gives Epworth Children’s Homes and Bethany House Trust a “lifeline” until the end of September


Brief | 31 May 2024

Gauteng Department of Social Development misled court on reasons for funding delays

Auditor-General says it did not recommend changes to the funding process

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News | 30 May 2024

Gauteng government bungles allocation of billions for non-profit organisations

Funding decisions were centralised supposedly to prevent corruption but it has caused catastrophic delays and mistakes

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News | 28 May 2024

Multi-million-rand drug rehabs under investigation by Gauteng government

Provincial department of social development has stopped funding 750 beds at Life Healthcare’s treatment centres

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News | 28 May 2024

Gauteng Premier breaks promise to pay organisations by 24 May

Department of Social Development claims court order obtained by organisations last week “supersedes” its earlier commitments

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News | 27 May 2024

Court orders Gauteng government to pay non-profit organisations

The provincial social development department must provide funding contracts to successful organisations by the end of May


Law | 23 May 2024

Hundreds picket outside Gauteng social development offices

Protest highlights the catastrophic mess the department has made of funding for non-profit organisations


News | 17 May 2024

Gauteng funding crisis: Disability organisations face closure

Department of Social Development has not finalised contracts with organisations providing vital services

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News | 10 May 2024