Articles for Warren Mabona

Give us electricity or move us, says Mamelodi community

Most residents at Phomolong informal settlement rely on illegal connections


Brief | 30 January 2023

Mamelodi residents left to the mercy of flood waters

City of Tshwane insists plans are underway to relocate the families


News | 2 December 2022

The Mamelodi hostel where “Emzini Wezinsizwa” was filmed is a mess

Site of hit 1990s SABC comedy series has no electricity


News | 25 October 2022

Homeless: Hundreds volunteer to count people living on the streets of Tshwane

This will help give more accurate data and steps needed to assist homeless people in the metro

By and

News | 21 October 2022

Unemployed father fixes potholes to feed his family

Eric Nsembene get donations from motorists and taxi drivers for filling in potholes in Mamelodi


Brief | 31 August 2022

There are snakes, flash floods and no basic services at Marry Me informal settlement

City of Tshwane says they will get services once the community has been formalised


Brief | 19 August 2022