
Social housing is vital. Opportunists are trying to derail it

Disgruntled former employees are undermining Communicare’s projects


GroundView | 23 April 2021

Groundview: The Cape Town fire is an urgent reminder to offer solutions to homeless people

If people are chased away, they are likely to return until a solution is found to the problem that prompted them to move there in the first place


GroundView | 19 April 2021

Vaccine rollout needs to restart immediately

Continuing the “pause” will cost lives

GroundUp and Spotlight Editors

GroundView | 16 April 2021

PRASA blunders then blames the media

And the trains are nowhere closer to running on time


GroundView | 9 March 2021

The questions PRASA failed to answer

South Africa’s commuter rail service has been looted. There is no sign it will stop


GroundView | 3 February 2021

Here’s how to fight anti-vaccine propaganda

We challenge political leaders and celebrities to publicly commit to getting vaccinated


GroundView | 12 January 2021

Lawyers’ body lets lottery crook off the hook

Despite what appears to be overwhelming evidence against Lesley Ramulifho, the Legal Practice Council decided not to take disciplinary action against him


GroundView | 26 October 2020

Four big victories show what political activism can achieve

Commuter and housing activists have set important examples


GroundView | 19 October 2020

Here’s a quick health win for government

With a bit of data-sharing, we can understand who is dying where and of what much quicker - and then take action to fix it


GroundView | 21 August 2020

Lottery officials removed a webpage and then accused us of falsely reporting what was on it

This latest dodgy move suggests that the NLC has no intention of publishing the list of grant recipients


GroundView | 24 July 2020

“Lawfare” launched against GroundUp to stop us exposing lottery corruption

The National Lotteries Commission is a corrupt, captured state institution that is enabling the pillaging of poor people’s money


GroundView | 25 June 2020

Life may be returning to post-lockdown normality but it’s far from normal in hospitals

Here are the latest numbers from Groote Schuur


GroundView | 19 June 2020

Covid-19: Here’s a possible source of funds for social grants

Cash Paymaster Services could pay back profits as ordered by Constitutional Court


GroundView | 27 March 2020

A message for police and soldiers: We support what you’re doing but do it gently

Our constitutional democracy should not be placed at risk by the Covid-19 lockdown


GroundView | 26 March 2020

Landmark ruling for science journalists

Appeal committee of press council frees media from having to create false balance


GroundView | 20 March 2020

Covid-19: The world’s unprecedented experiment

From this disaster we can emerge better


GroundView | 17 March 2020