
We are ready for healing, says new Equal Education general secretary

Organisation looks to build on recent success while learning from mistakes


Interview | 25 July 2018

Will Prasa’s new board get it back on track? An interview with Khanyisile Kweyama

PRASA is in ICU but not the morgue, says new chairperson

By and

Interview | 6 June 2018

First year firefighter rises to the top

Amiena Pillay received the award for Best Seasonal Firefighter from the City of Cape Town


Interview | 4 May 2018

Drought: City answers your questions

Ian Neilson, JP Smith and Priya Reddy respond to readers’ questions


Interview | 27 January 2018

Airbnb and Cape Town’s rising rents: an interview with Chris Lehane

The company’s strategy boss says regulation is welcome. But why hasn’t government done so?


Interview | 23 October 2017

Brett Herron explains Cape Town’s big housing policy shift

The way development takes place needs to change if we’re to have a more equitable city, says councillor


Interview | 4 October 2017

John Fredericks: “I’ve been labelled a skollie all my life”

Author talks about how his acclaimed movie is helping to change lives on the Cape Flats


Interview | 15 September 2017

Pityana asks MPs to vote according to conscience

“Zuma and his cohorts conduct themselves in a way that represents a betrayal of the liberation movement”


Interview | 21 July 2017

Adam Habib: Wits is reaching a point of no return

Vice-Chancellor speaks on the student protests, a poll on whether Wits should resume lectures, and the consequences of a shutdown


Interview | 28 September 2016

1976 in Cape Town: recollections of 11 August

"We did not burn the schools"


Interview | 16 June 2016

“Leaders by day and gangsters by night”

Abahlali welcomes conviction of councillors for murder of activist


Interview | 24 May 2016

Don’t blame apartheid for our problems, struggle hero tells government

Philip Kgosana remembers the 1960 march on parliament


Interview | 30 March 2016

Interview with Shaeera Kalla of #FeesMustFall

Current university model "anti-poor and anti-black" she says


Interview | 16 February 2016