
Two people are killed in gang violence in the Western Cape every day

At least 74 were bystanders


Opinion | 8 February 2024

Why is Jacob Zuma attacking queer people?

Former president puts tribal patriarchy ahead of our human rights


Opinion | 31 January 2024

The EU protects its companies from Big Pharma. South Africa needs to do the same

Critical work being done by local scientists is at risk


Opinion | 7 December 2023

Police brutality is a big problem. Here’s how to change the law to fix it

But amending the law will not be enough. Police leadership must commit to addressing brutality.

By and

Opinion | 7 November 2023

Coalition governments are here to stay. Here are proposals for making them work better

But even with the best proposals, without a shift in political culture coalition governments will be unstable


Opinion | 6 November 2023

Community policing forums should be holding police accountable

CPFs are not just there to help cops do their jobs


Opinion | 3 November 2023

Tshwane must stop violating Hammanskraal residents’ rights

Following the cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, the City needs to comply with the Public Protector’s orders


Opinion | 3 November 2023

Insult to injury: will there be any justice for District Six families?

Six families ask the state to expropriate their homes to avoid eviction


Opinion | 2 November 2023

Budget cuts: Why doesn’t the government use some of the money in this R459-billion account?

The reasons for not using money from the Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account are political, not legal or economic

By and

Opinion | 31 October 2023

How complaints against judges are handled needs to change

The Judicial Service Commission’s failings threaten judicial accountability and independence

Judith February, Chris Oxtoby, Mbekezeli Benjamin, Joe Mayson, Luthando Vilakazi, Nomfundo Ramalekana and Jenna Maujean

Opinion | 13 October 2023

Early childhood development programmes should be part of free basic education

Only a third of children in SA are enrolled in ECD programmes


Opinion | 28 September 2023

This is what we can do to end the reading crisis

As the November 2023 deadline looms, 70% of public schools still don’t have libraries


Opinion | 7 September 2023

Government needs to innovate if it hopes to address the housing crisis

NGOs could play a vital role as intermediaries


Opinion | 30 August 2023

South Africa must fix its academic incentives, or other universities may meet the same fate as UNISA

Paying the same amount for every published article encourages low-quality paper-mills


Opinion | 29 August 2023

Stop Judge Makhubele from milking the state and delaying justice

State capture-accused officials cannot be allowed to use the State Attorney as an ATM, write Zackie Achmat and Zukiswa Vuka

By and

Opinion | 8 August 2023