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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Education  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can I register for Grade 11 if I have been out of school for a long time?

If you are younger than 21, you would apply to a school by the last day of the first term, for the following year.

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Can a non-South African write Grade 12 exams?

Yes, as long as you have some kind of proof of identity.

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I am a ZEP holder but my daughter's school still wants me to pay school fees

Excluding ZEP holders from accessing school fees exemption is not in line with the spirit of the Constitution or the Schools Act.

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What can I do if my child tells me her teacher smacked her?

You can take it up with the teacher and principal. If necessary, after that you can approach the school governing body.

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My child's school handed me over to a debt collector. What can I do?

The school does have a right to hand over unpaid fees to debt collectors if a parent has not applied for a fee exemption.

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What can I do about every school in my area rejecting my disabled child?

It is every child’s right to be placed in a school, but the Department of Education cannot force a school to accept a child.

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Am I responsible for the school fees of a child I look after but is not mine?

You are in the clear as regards the responsibility for paying.

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Can a school blacklist you for not paying school fees?

A school can blacklist you with a credit bureau if you have not applied for fee exemption and have not paid outstanding fees.

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