Families drink from drains as water trucks break down

Three out of four water trucks in Eastern Cape town are in for repairs


News | 29 September 2020

Villagers donate money to build a clinic in a shack

Villagers in the rural Eastern Cape struggling to access health services have tried to create their own infrastructure


News | 9 September 2020

Angry Butterworth protesters send mayor away

Residents ask Premier to drink borehole water, but he refuses

By and

News | 19 February 2020

Dams empty in Eastern Cape

The Gcuwa and all dams supplying Butterworth and surrounding areas are dry


Brief | 14 November 2019

Confusion over land ownership leaves Butterworth residents in limbo

Hundreds of families without services for 12 years


News | 16 September 2019

Day zero in Butterworth

Not drought but municipalities caused water crisis, say residents


Brief | 14 August 2019

Drought and strike leave taps dry in Butterworth

Protesting residents block N2 demanding water tankers


Brief | 12 August 2019

“No one was going to believe me” says rape survivior

Eastern Cape women struggle with prosecution of rapists


News | 8 August 2019

Dagga business in the open in Eastern Cape

For members of the Rastafarian community it’s an economic opportunity, but some want it shut down


News | 31 July 2019

Villagers close rotting school in Eastern Cape

“Our school gets annual maintenance budget but it is very useless to maintain rotten material”


Brief | 22 July 2019

The land is “unsuitable for habitation” says municipality, but thousands live on it

Sikiti informal settlement in Butterworth, Eastern Cape, was established over 20 years ago


News | 19 July 2019

Taps run dry while broken pipe wastes water for a month

“Our government says we must look after water because of drought. But it seems they do not practise what they preach,” says Eastern Cape villager


Brief | 16 July 2019

Tsomo’s mystery water tankers

Municipality says it provides a water tanker but residents say they’ve never seen one


News | 1 March 2019

In this Eastern Cape school, learners borrow a broken toilet seat from one of the staff toilets

“This is not a school but a disaster waiting to happen”


News | 30 November 2018

Health department wants to close informal facility for destitute people

Khululabantu Bam centre in Butterworth described as “not appropriate” for mentally ill


News | 20 November 2017