
SA Inc and the search for a real alternative

South Africa Inc is a “fronting” exercise in which the people of the country are the hapless stooges giving credibility to a governing elite.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 27 June 2012

COSATU, Zille, Apartheid and the Youth Wage Subsidy

COSATU is facing an unprecedented onslaught. Is the federation, as Helen Zille claims, ‘the main roadblock in the road to job creation and redress’? And would ‘lowering the cost of employment’ be the ‘biggest single step towards solving the unemployment problem’?

Ilan Strauss and Doron Isaacs

Opinion | 12 June 2012

Of nationalisation, land grabs and vanguards

Over this past week, the National Union of Metalworkers congress has again put both nationalisation and the Freedom Charter firmly onto the political agenda.

Terry Bell

News | 8 June 2012

The spearing of labour history

Many matters of national and regional importance have been neglected in the past two weeks, submerged beneath the fuss and furore caused by the charade surrounding the satirical Spear painting.

Terry Bell

News | 4 June 2012