
Scientists told us our winters would get drier. So what happened last week?

Climate change means extreme events are likely to happen more often


Science | 16 July 2024

Latest science confirms plummeting penguin population

New model forms the basis for an urgent recommendation to change African Penguin’s conservation status from endangered to critically endangered


Science | 15 July 2024

Crucial penguin conservation plan heads to court

Minister accused of placing fishing industry interests above the survival of penguins


News | 4 July 2024

Court asked to stop Shell’s seismic tests once and for all

Wild Coast communities and environmental organisations have now approached the Constitutional Court


Law | 2 July 2024

Meet the beekeepers of the mangrove forests

Members of the Cwebeni cooperative trek four kilometres to harvest honey deep in the forests of the Wild Coast


News | 18 June 2024

Pesticides are polluting Western Cape rivers all year round

Studies of three river catchments have found an association between pesticide exposure and poorer brain function in children


News | 12 June 2024

Mining is destroying crucial Eswatini nature reserve

The mine has the king’s blessing but no environmental authorisation

By and

Feature | 11 June 2024

Environmental activists win against Shell in appeal court

Shell still has one more shot at seismic exploration authorisation


Law | 3 June 2024

New proposal puts Kruger National Park’s environmental safeguards “at risk”

Experts alarmed by government move to drop statutory requirements for some developments in the park


News | 31 May 2024

Strandfontein development could make critically endangered butterfly extinct

The only colony of one of the world’s most endangered butterflies is within sight of a large, multi-storey development


News | 24 May 2024

Sewage pollutes KwaZulu-Natal’s popular south coast lagoons

None of the 19 sewage treatment plants managed by the Ugu District Municipality are properly treating sewage released into rivers and lagoons


News | 15 May 2024

Remote Namaqualand diamond town battles dust and neglect

Mine told to fix the pollution problem


News | 9 May 2024

Coal mine accused of making “manifestly scurrilous” allegations against opponents

A coalition against mining in the Mabola Protected Environment want “scandalous” and “irrelevant” claims struck from court record


News | 8 May 2024

Families to leave ancestral lands as coal mine expands

Land Claims Court orders Mpumalanga mine to build them permanent houses


News | 3 May 2024

Village activists take Marikana mining company to court

Tharisa Mines is trying to gag us, say Oridile Kgatea and Rodney Kotsedi


Law | 1 May 2024

Proposed coal mine in Mpumalanga grasslands back in court

Uthaka Energy persists with plans for a colliery in Mabola Protected Environment despite six court judgments


News | 30 April 2024