Home Affairs

Father unable to register his son because he is not the mother

Despite DNA tests, Home Affairs refused to issue birth certificate to single dad’s son


News | 14 August 2024

Immigration officer slammed by judges after Ethiopian asylum seeker attempts suicide

Tsegaye Esyas says he was duped into confessing that he was in South Africa illegally


Law | 24 April 2024

Zimbabweans complain of Home Affairs incompetence

Numerous waiver letters contain incorrect information


News | 4 April 2024

People struggle to get IDs at Khayelitsha Home Affairs as elections loom

One person said they slept outside the Khayelitsha office on Monday night. Despite being among the first in line, they were only helped at 3pm on Tuesday.

By and

News | 3 April 2024

Zimbabwean permits: Helen Suzman Foundation takes on Minister in Constitutional Court

Foundation opposes bid by Aaron Motsoaledi to overturn High Court ruling


Law | 18 March 2024

Home Affairs minister takes Zimbabwean permit battle to the Constitutional Court

The High Court ruled against the minister and he failed in his appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal


Law | 6 March 2024

SCA dismisses bid to appeal Zim permits ruling

Minister Motsoaledi wanted leave to appeal a ruling that declared the termination of the Zimbabwean permit programme unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid


Law | 23 February 2024

Home Affairs may no longer block your ID on a whim, court rules

Judge gives scathing ruling with punitive cost order


Law | 17 January 2024

Nationwide Home Affairs failure as new year begins

Thousands of people across the country unable to access government services


News | 4 January 2024

Constitutional Court win for asylum seekers

Provisions in the Refugees Act introduced in January 2020 struck down for violating a number of fundamental rights


Law | 12 December 2023

Two-year extension for Zimbabwe and Lesotho permit holders

New permits to be issued to the approximately 233,000 existing permit holders


Brief | 1 December 2023

Zimbabwe permit application dismissed: no need for it, say judges

Permit holders protected until at least June 2024


Law | 7 November 2023

Concourt slaps Home Affairs minister with personal cost order

Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and Director-General Livhuwani Makhode must pay from their own pockets part of legal costs for Lawyers For Human Rights


Law | 30 October 2023

Home Affairs taken to court over blocked IDs

About 700,000 identity documents are blocked


Law | 18 September 2023

Protest over poor service at Khayelitsha Home Affairs

About 100 people marched in the rain under the banner of #UniteBehind


Brief | 22 August 2023