
Seven Zimbabwean teenagers have been living under a tree for almost a year

“This municipal bin is our soup kitchen”


News | 27 May 2019

Africa Day workshop in Dunoon tackles xenophobia

Event hosted by Institute for Healing of Memories and Claremont Main Road Mosque


Brief | 27 May 2019

Home Affairs asks UN for help with refugee backlog

Department has to process 150,000 appeals


News | 16 May 2019

Cameroonian refugees in Cape Town can’t get legal status

Home Affairs was ordered by the courts to open a centre over a year ago for new asylum seeker applicants


News | 2 May 2019

Why a high court dismissed Somali claims for asylum

But Lawyers for Human Rights disagrees with the court’s reasoning and is appealing


Law | 18 April 2019

Zimbabweans leave after xenophobic attacks in Vuwani

“I miss my fellow Zimbabweans. We used to stay as a family but we are now scattered in Limpopo”


Brief | 17 April 2019

Immigrant-owned shop saved by residents, later looted

Owner says this is the fourth time since 2007 he has had to flee. Police stretched to the limit


Brief | 12 April 2019

Eastern Cape immigrant shop owners say they pay for protection from “xenophobia”

Last week immigrant-owned shops in Cofimvaba were shut down for a day by SANCO


News | 12 April 2019

Immigrants fear for their lives in Durban

Municipality dismantles tents and sends displaced foreign nationals back to their homes


News | 3 April 2019

Immigrants robbed and forced to sleep outside in Durban

Victims of latest xenophobic violence blame electioneering by politicians


News | 28 March 2019

Asylum seeker battles because of Home Affairs’ spelling mistake

Refugee Yanke Tonga Gillis says he has tried unsuccessfully to get the spelling of his name corrected


Brief | 25 March 2019

Refugee children turned away by Cape schools

Immigrant parents battle red tape to get their kids in school


News | 22 March 2019

Protesters extort cash and goods from immigrant shopkeepers

“I always give them two litres of paraffin for burning tyres during protests”


News | 21 March 2019

SANDF refuses to re-accommodate immigrants it evicted in Marievale

“They want to break my family apart,” says evictee


News | 14 March 2019

Zimbabweans in Limpopo village fear for their future

Police said to have been given an ultimatum by local group to evict all undocumented Zimbabweans


News | 13 March 2019

Blind Zimbabwean loses refugee status after identity muddle

Blessing Marindo has also lost his disability grant and is struggling to make ends meet


Brief | 28 February 2019