
New deal to benefit De Doorns farm workers

Lesotho nationals to get permits


News | 9 February 2016

Zimbabwean woman banned despite ministerโ€™s promise

A woman finds herself unable to re-enter South Africa even though she has the correct permit


News | 5 February 2016

When can the police detain you for not showing documents?

Many immigrants are detained arbitrarily

By and

Analysis | 4 February 2016

Grants available for refugee organisations

A number of community-based refugee organisations in Cape Town are racing to meet the deadline for a project rolled out last year by the European Union


News | 2 February 2016

Quiet walk home turns into nightmare for Malawians

Asylum-seeker spends six weeks in prison

Hefty fines for asylum seekers at Port Elizabeth refugee centre

Immigrants complain that officials humiliate them.


News | 19 January 2016

Asylum seekers frustrated with Home Affairs

GroundUp previously reported the poor service by the Department of Home Affairs' foreshore offices. Today, the situation remains unchanged.


Brief | 18 January 2016

How bus drivers and immigration officials fleece Zimbabweans in the December holidays

Bernard Chiguvare describes the shenanigans on his trip from Cape Town to Harare.


News | 12 January 2016

Home Affairs incompetence causes refugees to lose jobs, money and bank accounts

“I am sick and tired and wish I could be resettled to another country. They should not treat people like animals,” says a man trying to renew his refugee status. He is one of many complaining about the service at Home Affairs on Cape Town's foreshore.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 18 December 2015

The Rwandan student who hung on to her dream

Alice Wamundiya comes from a background where the importance of education is emphasised. When she settled in South Africa after her family fled the Rwandan genocide, she decided to help other refugees and asylum-seekers with their education.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 15 December 2015

Man wrongly detained by Home Affairs describes ordeal

A Zimbabwean man, detained in the Lindela Repatriation Centre in Krugersdorp even though his passport allowed him to be in South Africa, has been released. GroundUp told his story on 25 November. He was released two days later.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 3 December 2015

Gigaba releases stats on Zimbabwean Special Permit

At a press briefing at Parliament today, Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba released statistics on the Zimbabwe Special Dispensation Permit (ZSP).

Tariro Washinyira

Brief | 25 November 2015

How to get a Lesotho Special Permit

The Department of Home Affairs has introduced a Lesotho Special Permit. This will allow people from Lesotho currently staying in South Africa but who are undocumented or have incorrect or expired documents, to stay lawfully in the country.

Tariro Washinyira

Brief | 25 November 2015

Home Affairs detentions challenged in Concourt

On Thursday, the Constitutional Court will hear the matter between Minister of Home Affairs v Rahim and Others, concerning the detention of foreign nationals in places that are not designed as immigration detention facilities, such as police holding cells. The Legal Resource Centre (LRC) will appear on behalf of People against Suffering and Oppression (PASSOP).

Tariro Washinyira

News | 25 November 2015

Meet the Senegalese man who teaches South Africans how to make and sell crafts

Seeing how many unemployed young people there are in Imizamo Yethu informal settlement, Moustapha Fall, originally from Senegal, decided to teach them craft skills.

Bernard Chiguvare

News | 23 November 2015

Robbers target foreign hawkers in Port Elizabeth

Foreign nationals trading in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, live in fear following a spike in robberies in recent months. The traders say they are being targeted by criminals who rob them of their goods and then sell the loot to locals at a heavily discounted price. Most robberies happen in daylight.

Joseph Chirume

News | 16 November 2015