
Durban land occupiers take municipality to court

Shacks in KwaDabeka have been continuously demolished, allegedly without an eviction order


Brief | 22 August 2024

Farmers need support after devastating Riverlands flood

A lack of security of tenure and of agricultural support from government has compounded the disaster

By and

Opinion | 20 August 2024

Outcry over loss of sports field to make way for a hospital in Gugulethu

The site is a poor choice and the impact on the community was not considered, say residents


Brief | 2 July 2024

Cape Town’s relocated railway occupiers protest over water

The R300 was blocked for several hours in what the community say was a “last resort” to be heard


Brief | 25 June 2024

PRASA fined R25,000 by City of Cape Town for contravening zoning laws

Temporary relocation of families occupying central line contravened municipal by-laws


Brief | 22 June 2024

Huge housing project stopped by “masked thugs”

Beneficiaries of Covid Village relocation project in Cape Town marched to Mfuleni police station to demand SAPS take action


News | 19 June 2024

Conditions in Greyton settlement worsen as land restitution process drags on

Madiba Park families still in limbo five years after protests


News | 30 May 2024

Families fear eviction from old train yard

Some have lived in “Oya Town” near Maitland Station for eight years


Photo Essay | 28 May 2024

Tshwane abandons Marry Me settlement: Broken promises leave 450 families in limbo

City says the land is private and is not in the process of being formalised


Brief | 21 May 2024

Dozens of shacks demolished in Midrand

Shackdwellers say they’ll keep rebuilding because they have nowhere else to go


News | 14 May 2024

Concourt rules out R2-billion damages claim by Zimbabwean farmers

Afriforum, supporting the farmers, says it will continue the legal fight in other countries


Law | 6 May 2024

Families to leave ancestral lands as coal mine expands

Land Claims Court orders Mpumalanga mine to build them permanent houses


News | 3 May 2024

Housing activists confront Western Cape Premier at coffee shop

Campaigners want government car parks developed for affordable inner city housing


News | 29 April 2024

Widow’s shack demolished six times since September

100 shacks demolished by JMPD in Rabie Ridge on Saturday


News | 24 April 2024

Housing activists lose Tafelberg case

The Supreme Court of Appeal has ruled the sale of the site for private development was lawful


Law | 12 April 2024

Ingonyama Trust finances are not transparent, says report

UCT land research centre says the trust is not compliant with legislation


News | 11 April 2024