
How to spend 12 years building a police station

Minister Sihle Zikalala has promised the Vuwani police station will be completed in 2025. Work on it started in 2012.


News | 15 March 2024

Cape Town protection money syndicates kill people, kill livelihoods

A salon owner was shot dead on Wednesday apparently for refusing to pay protection money


News | 7 March 2024

Police minister says he’s been working from home for four years because of “terrible” state of SAPS building

“We paid more money trying to fix that thing than we paid for buying it,” Bheki Cele tells Parliament


News | 7 March 2024

Public Works to investigate mismanagement of police headquarters

“It’s unfortunate such a beautiful asset has been left in that kind of state” says head of property management


News | 5 March 2024

SAPS and Public Works called to Parliament over Telkom Towers debacle

Trade union Solidarity says it’s been complaining about the deplorable state of the police building for years, but to no avail


News | 4 March 2024

Auditor General gives damning report on police headquarters

This was just hours after workers at the Telkom Towers office were evacuated after it was declared unfit for human use


News | 1 March 2024

Evicted Alexandra families spend the night on the street

Dozens of families evicted from container housing by the City of Johannesburg


News | 13 February 2024

Two people are killed in gang violence in the Western Cape every day

At least 74 were bystanders


Opinion | 8 February 2024

New Makhaza police station can’t open because there’s no water or electricity

The station was completed at the end of December after a 10-year wait


News | 7 February 2024

Mowbray police assault: no names and no consequences

Victim has left work out of fear


News | 26 January 2024

A woman was raped in 2010. It’s almost 2024 and her damages case is still in court

Andy Kawa is suing the police for millions of rands for negligence


News | 14 December 2023

Nearly two decades later, Makhaza police station is finally set to open soon

Meanwhile the community is being serviced by a 24-hour patrol and a mobile unit


News | 11 December 2023

Transgender woman who says she was raped in police custody has waited four years for justice

High Court judge critical of the Minister of Police’s “lackadaisical approach” to dealing with the matter


News | 5 December 2023

Man dies in police custody after “struggle” with Table View cops

Given Mabusela was pronounced dead on arrival at Du Noon clinic


Brief | 28 November 2023

Bheki Cele responds to police assault

Minister says video of police beating Juma Igiranieza looks like grievous bodily harm


Brief | 20 November 2023