Social Housing Series

Shack dwellers in King William’s Town won’t relocate for electrification

Upgrade to Kanana Village means a hundred residents need to demolish their shacks


News | 12 March 2019

Residents oppose Conradie Hospital housing plan

The site, which has stood empty for 16 years, is a battleground over the future of state subsidised housing in Cape Town


News | 22 November 2018

Madikizela blames Salt River social housing delay on Herron

Housing activists protest outside DA press conference


News | 8 November 2018

Why did the City of Cape Town delay social housing in Salt River?

Brett Herron and DA councillors trade accusations


News | 7 November 2018

Can subsidised rentals help solve the housing crisis?

It’s an idea whose time has come but it is not a cure-all


GroundView | 27 June 2018

Families living in tents outside complex they were evicted from

But some tenants of Steenvilla are angry with rent-defaulters and want them gone


News | 19 June 2018

Dozens of families evicted at Cape Town’s largest social housing project

Previous attempt to remove Steenvilla households who are behind on their rent failed

By and

News | 6 June 2018

Crime mars Cape Town’s largest social housing project

Tension between residents paying rent and those who are not


News | 20 February 2018

What happens when people in state housing cannot pay the rent?

A look at what happened at Steenvilla, Cape Town’s largest social housing complex

By and

Feature | 5 December 2017

Families evicted at Cape Town’s biggest social housing complex

Tenants cried as their furniture was moved onto lawns outside Steenvilla


Brief | 23 November 2017

Rent instead of owning: Is it a better model for low-income housing?

We explain an important part of the government housing programme


Feature | 22 November 2017