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Topic: Home Affairs  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can people who cannot personally go to Home Affairs get their IDs?

You can make a sworn affidavit explaining his position and try to apply for it as his parent/guardian.

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Can I get a visa in South Africa when I am customarily married to a South African citizen?

You can apply for a spousal visa on a visitorโ€™s visa from within South Africa, following a Constitutional Court ruling in June 2019.

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Can I reclaim South African citizenship after receiving citizenship of another country?

Not yet. The SCA ruled it unconstitutional to withdraw someone's citizenship, but as at 5 March 2024 the Constitional Court is yet to make its decision.

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How can I get my ID if my parent has multiple IDs?

Following a recent court ruling about blocked IDs, you should be able to apply for an ID the normal way. Home Affairs officials may not be aware of this, so perhaps tell them about the judgment.

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What is the process for a South African and a foreign national to get married?

As long as your partner has a valid visa and a letter of non-impediment, the process is the same.

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Where can I do a DNA test for my South African ID application?

You can get genetic testing done through the NHLS or a private company.

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How can I adopt my relative's baby?

Apply to the Children's Court for an adoption order. There will be checks to make sure you will be a fit parent.

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Can I register my child's birth if I did not have valid documents at the time?

Yes. Every child has the constitutional right to a name and nationality from birth, including birth registration.

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Can I apply for citizenship if I wasn't born in here and only one parent is South African?

Yes, but you need to get a South African birth certificate first.

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Is there a way I can change my personal information on my matric certificate?

It should not be necessary to change the personal information on your matric certificate, but you can apply for the certificate to be verified through Umalusi.

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