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Topic: Mining  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can the dependent of a mine worker who died of lung disease in the 1980s claim benefits today?

Claims have to be submitted within three years of the date of death, but it could be worth contacting the relevant trust to confirm.

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Can I be financially and medically assisted while waiting for the independent tribunal to decide on my compensation claim?

You can apply for SASSA Temporary Disability Grant while you wait for the outcome of the tribunal.

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Can I claim my late father’s position in the mine he was working for before he was injured in the 1990s?

Only family members of the 20 miners who died in the Kloof Ikamva shaft accident in 2018 can claim jobs. You will need to apply in the regular way,

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Can I object to the insurance company's rejection of my pension fund claim after being medically boarded?

Yes, if you disagree with their assessment you can lodge an objection within 180 days.

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Who can claim from the estate of a deceased miner who was unmarried but had a minor child?

If he did not leave a will, his child will inherit his estate when they turn 18. In the meantime, it will be kept in the Guardians Fund.

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Can I appeal the Tshiamiso Trust's Medical Certification Panel's findings?

The panel's decision can be taken on review within 30 days, although the process is unclear.

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How can I get more information about my deceased mineworker brother?

You can contact the mine owners and ask them for help.

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Is it possible that someone stole my benefits from the Mineworkers Provident Fund?

It seems unlikely, but here's what you can do.

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Can a miner's widow claim compensation for her husband's death from TB?

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How do miners with TB or silicosis get compensation?

There are four steps to follow to submit a claim.

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